Adsorption of methyl orange from aqueous solutions using olive pomace: Akinetic and isotherm study
Conference paper


This study investigated the potential use of olive pomace (OP) as an adsorbent to

reduce the concentration of methyl orange (MO) in aqueous solutions. The effect of

some important parameters on the process of adsorption was examined, including

pH, adsorbent weight, temperature, contact time, agitation speed, and the initial

concentration of MO. The results showed that the optimum concentration of MO was

10 ppm and the optimum pH = 2, indicating that the process of MO adsorption on the

surface of the OP was better in acidic medium. The equilibrium time was 80 min at a

speed of 100 rpm. The results of the study showed the significant role of OP weight,

agitation speed, temperature and the contact time in increasing the adsorption

efficiency. On comparing the pseudo first order and pseudo second order models, the

results showed that the pseudo second order model fitted the experimental data well.

The study also included testing of Langmuir and Freundlich models on the

adsorption isotherm data, and it was found that experimental data obey the

Freundlich isotherm. To sum up, the study showed that OP has high adsorption

efficiency to remove MO by applying a simple, inexpensive method.

Wafa S Omar Baej, Abdulnasir Albasheer Alsagagheer Omar, Nawal Abdurazq Elhadi Ahmad, (09-2019), 00: Special Issue for The 3rd Annual Conference on Theories and Applications of Basic and Biosciences ♦ September, 7th, 2019, 23-33

PhD Thesis

Watermarking techniques have been considered as one of the best efficacious methods 

to solve the issues of protecting copyright due to the proliferation of digital multimedia 

information on the internet. The digital multimedia information is such as image, 

audio, and video which can today be easily copied, distributed, and modified without 

loss in fidelity. As a result, it is necessary to utilize some kind of copyright protection 

techniques to avoid illegal copying, distribution, and digital copyright modification. 

The digital watermarking techniques have engaged the researchers’ attention as a 

technique for protecting copyright in the digital multimedia information. This 

technique includes a subcategory of information-hiding technologies in which the 

ownership information is hidden into the original multimedia information without 

impacting the original multimedia information quality. Despite the advances in digital 

watermarking techniques, the main objective of many types of research in digital 

watermarking topic is to improve transparency and resistance to attacks and the present 

digital watermarking schemes are not sufficiently stable or strong against various 

attacks. This study aims to develop state-of-the-art digital watermarking techniques 

for different multimedia information through improving the imperceptibility and 

robustness to geometrical attacks and signal processing operations. Four novel robust 

blind digital watermarking schemes are introduced in this thesis for copyright 

protection of multimedia information that have not been previously introduced. The 

first robust blind digital watermarking scheme is applied for colour images utilizing 

discrete wavelet transform in combination with Walsh Hadamard transform and 

Hessenberg decomposition. The second robust blind digital watermarking scheme is 

applied for grayscale images utilizing discrete wavelet transform in combination with 

Walsh Hadamard transform and Hessenberg decomposition. The third robust blind 

digital watermarking scheme is applied for colour videos utilizing discrete wavelet 

transform in combination with Walsh Hadamard transform and Hessenberg 

decomposition. Forth robust blind digital watermarking scheme is applied for audio 

signals utilizing discrete wavelet transform in combination with Walsh Hadamard 

transform and Hessenberg decomposition. Several experiments are performed in order 

to present the effectiveness of the proposed digital watermarking schemes in terms of 

imperceptibility and robustness against attacks related to each scheme. The proposed 

digital watermarking schemes achieve good imperceptibility and robustness against 

geometrical attacks and signal processing operations. The proposed digital 

watermarking schemes have a superior performance in terms of imperceptibility and 

robustness than other reported schemes in the literature.

Keywords: Watermarking, Copyright Protection, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Walsh 

Hadamard Transform, Hessenberg Decomposition.

Omar Moftah Ibrahim Abodena, (08-2019), Cyprus International University: Cyprus International University,

Min-cut segmentation of retinal oct images
Conference paper

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is one of the most vital tools for diagnosing and tracking progress of medication of various retinal disorders. Many methods have been proposed to aid with the analysis of retinal images due to the intricacy of retinal structures, the tediousness of manual segmentation and variation from different specialists. However image artifacts, in addition to inhomogeneity in pathological structures, remain a challenge, with negative influence on the performance of segmentation algorithms. In this paper we present an automatic retinal layer segmentation method, which comprises of fuzzy histogram hyperbolization and graph cut methods. We impose hard constraints to limit search region to sequentially segment 8 boundaries and 7 layers of the retina on 150 OCT B-Sans images, 50 each from the temporal, nasal and center of foveal regions. Our method shows positive results, with additional tolerance and adaptability to contour variance and pathological inconsistence of the retinal structures in all regions.

Khalid Ahmad A Eltayef, (08-2019), 11th International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2018, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal: Springer, 86-99

الرياضة وأهداف التنمية المستدامة
مقال في مؤتمر علمي


هشام القمودي القنطري الحافي، (08-2019)، المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الثاني لكلية التربية وعلوم الرياضة _ الزقاء _ الأردن: تم أختياره،

تحديد اصناف الزيتون المنتشرة بمنطقة الاصابعة ومحاولة تحديد زمن الجني الامثل
مقال في مجلة علمية

استهدفت هذه الدراسة تقدير محتوى ثمار الزبتون من الزيت خلال اشهر موسم الجني

شهوب محممد أمحمد الأحمر، خليفة زنين، عمر سعيد، (06-2019)، ليبيا: جامعة غريان، 17 (1)، 155-164

Removal of Chromium (Vi) From Aqueous Solution By Sorption on To Selective Silver Resin
Journal Article

This study investigate the removal efficiency of chromium (VI) from water by using (R-AgCl) Silver chloride resin (SCR) as selective sorbent material for removal chromium (VI) from aqueous solution; the study was carried out by sorption batch experiments at room temperature(25°C). Efficiency of Cr(VI) removal was determined by measuring the chromium concentration before and after the sorption process. Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) method has been applied as analytical method for determination of Cr concentration in water. Governing factors for removal efficiency were proposed, analyzed and compared. It was conducted that the process is mostly affected by pH value of solution, mass of sorbent and concentration of Cr(VI) , which was the most efficient sorbent showed maximal efficiency and maximal sorption capacity, 1.5g of SCR after 60 min at 25 °C and pH 6.5 recovered 98% of Cr(VI) from 100 mL of water polluted with 20 mg of Cr(VI).

Nureddin Ben Issa, Ali Elmaghrabie, Yaseen Elhebshi, Abdulkareem Hamid, (05-2019), Bangladesh: IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC), 12 (5), 8-12

المسجد ودوره الثقافي والاجتماعي في جبل نفوسة 1551- 1911م
مقال في مجلة علمية

تعد المساجد من المؤسسات الدينية والثقافية والاجتماعية الهامة عند المسلمين، منذ البدايات الأولي ففيها تتم الدعوة الي الاسلام والصلاة في كل وقت، وتعقد فيها مجالس الفقه والعلم وكافة مجالاته، ويلتقي فيها علماء الدين ، والمفسرون ، وحفظة القرآن الكريم.

ومنها في الجبل الغربي لا يخرجون من تلك الأطر التي اختارت المساجد وأكثرت منها، وجعلها مجتمعا للعلماء والفقهاء ، ولا سيما وأن طبوغرافية البلاد القاسية لم تقف حائلا دون مفاهيم الاسلام منذ النصف الأول من القرن الأول الهجري، بل تعدتها للمشاركة في كافة نواحي الحياة، فقد تحولت الكنائس الي مساجد في الجبل كما نلاحظ انتشارها في تلك المنطقة.

المدني سعيد عمر بالقاسم، أسماء مصطفي محمد دبوس، (05-2019)، ليبيا: مجلة الجبل للعلوم التطبيقة والانسانية، 3 (3)، 119-147

The first record of Abutilon theophrasti (Malvaceae) in the flora of Libya
Journal Article

A new record for Abutilon theophrasti is recorded for the first time in the flora of Libya. This widespread agricultural weed was collected from El-Hamra region (El-Qabel) in the Nafusa Mountain south of Tripoli. To facilitate further identification and future detection, a full description, habitat information, distribution map and distribution data are provided. A brief discussion about the most important threats posed by this species is presented.

Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, MOHAMMED. H. MAHKLOUF, (05-2019), ابريطانيا: Phytotaxa, 402 (5), 259-254

الأساليب الحديثة للتنمية المهنية لأعضاء هيئة التدريس ومدى الاستفادة منها في الجامعات الليبية
مقال في مجلة علمية


عبدالعزيز زهمول الضاوي الضبع، (04-2019)، طرابلس: كلية الآداب طرابلس، 21 (2019)، 177-207

دور معلم التربية البدنية في حماية التلاميذ من العنف والاساءة السلوكية.
مقال في مؤتمر علمي


هشام القمودي القنطري الحافي، ؟، (03-2019)، المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الخامس في علوم الرياضة المرصد الوطني ، الحمامات ، تونس: تم اختياره،

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