Journal Article

In certain extremely low probability, severe accident scenarios which have been postulated for liquid metal cooled fast reactors,large bubble cavities containing fuel vapor and fission products transit a layer of coolant and release this material to the cover gas thereby presenting a contribution to an accident-specific source term [5].Mie model in radiation heat transfer has been investigated to analysis and interpret the experiments that conducted during 1980's for oxide UO 2 fueled reactors in Fuel Aerosol Simulant Test (FAST) facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).These analyses are applied to estimate the bubble collapse of Liquid Metal reactors (LMR's) during a hypothetical core disruptive accident (HCDA).InMie scattering model the particle size was 0.07 µm [6]. The scattering coefficient of UO 2 particles (σ = 1.24 m-1), was calculated by using Mie theory,at the same number of stable nuclei's N (2.9 E15 nuclei/m 3) that resulted from theabsorbed coefficientk = 0.082 m-1 [7].P 1 approximation method was used to solve the radiative heat transfer equation (RTE) in spherical coordinates of participating medium confined between the two concentric spheres.The surfaces of the spheres are assumed to be gray, diffusely emitting and diffusely reflecting boundaries, and an isothermal boundary conditions were assumed at these surfaces.Marsak's boundary condition was to computed, the net radiative heat flux q(τ), and the incident radiation G(τ), to analyze and interpret the CVD experiments data that were conducted in the FAST facility at ORNL [8] and Fast Flux Test Facility reactor (FFTF) in Argonne National Laboratory ANL.The conclude that extracted from this study is greater margin of safety when the bubble rising time is greater than the bubble collapse time since the bubble collapses (UO 2 condenses) before it can reach the top of the vessel therefore there is less chance of release of aerosol as in Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) FAST experiments and Argonne National Laboratory (FFTF) reactor.

Hmza Ashur Milad Mohamed, (09-2020), USA: IJSRED, 3 (5), 402-420

Hybrid CHP/Geothermal Borehole System for Multi-Family Building in Heating Dominated Climates
Journal Article

Abstract: A conventional ground-coupled heat pump (GCHP) can be used to supplement heat

rejection or extraction, creating a hybrid system that is cost-e ective for certainly unbalanced climes.

This research explores the possibility for a hybrid GCHP to use excess heat from a combined heat

power (CHP) unit of natural gas in a heating-dominated environment for smart cities. A design for

a multi-family residential building is considered, with a CHP sized to meet the average electrical

load of the building. The constant electric output of the CHP is used directly, stored for later use in a

battery, or sold back to the grid. Part of the thermal output provides the building with hot water,

and the rest is channeled into the GCHP borehole array to support the building’s large heating needs.

Consumption and weather data are used to predict hourly loads over a year for a specific multi-family

residence. Simulations of the energies exchanged between system components are performed, and a

cost model is minimized over CHP size, battery storage capacity, number of boreholes, and depth of

the borehole. Results indicate a greater cost advantage for the design in a severely heated (Canada)

climate than in a moderately imbalanced (Ohio) climate.

Saeed Alqaed, Jawed Mustafa, Kevin P. Hallinan, Rodwan Elhashmi, (09-2020), Sustainability: MDPI, 12 (18),

Low-energy opportunity for multi-family residences: A review and simulation-based study of a solar borehole thermal energy storage system
Journal Article

The multi-family residential building sector is the least energy efficient in the United States, thus allowing for ample opportunities for significant cost-effective energy and carbon savings. In the present study, we propose a district solar borehole thermal solar energy storage (BTES) system for both retrofit and new construction for a multi-family residence in the Midwestern United States, where the climate is moderately cold with very warm summers. Actual apartment interval power and water demand data was mined and used to estimate unit level hourly space and water heating demands, which was subsequently used to design a cost-optimal BTES system. Using a dynamic simulation model to predict the system performance over a 25-year period, a parametric study was conducted that varied the sizes of the BTES system and the solar collector array. A life-cycle cost analysis concluded that is it possible for an optimally-sized system to achieve an internal rate of return (IRR) of 11%, while reducing apartment-wide energy and carbon consumption by 46%. Both a stand-alone and solar-assisted ground-source heat pump system were designed and simulated for comparison to the BTES system, and found to be less economically favorable than the solar BTES system. Thus, the promise for district-scale adoption of BTES in multi-family residences is established, particularly for new buildings.

Rodwan Elhashmi, Kevin P. Hallinan, Andrew D. Chiasson, (08-2020), Energy: Pergamon, 204

Floristic Study of Sedrores Mountains in Gharyan District–Libya
Journal Article

A floristic survey of Sedrores Al-Qawasim mountains in Gharyan district - Libya was conducted in two consecutive growing seasons from 01/04/2018 to 01/6/2019. In this study area, a total number of 320 plant species belonging to 214 genera were collected representing 44 families, of which 39 families and 276 species belonging to dicotyledons, and 5 families and 44 species are belonging to monocotyledons. The results showed the dominance of the family Asteraceae with 60 species, followed by the family Fabaceae with 32 species, then the family Poaceae with 29 species. The results showed the dominance of the (Euphorbia genus) with 7 species, followed by Helianthenum, Plantago and Erodium with 6 species each. Moreover, life-form spectrum analysis showed the predominance of therophytes with 210, followed by Hemicryptophytes with 59 species, while chorotype spectrum analysis showed the dominance of Mediterranian species with 151 species, followed by Mediterrean/Iranu-Turanean with 72 species. 

Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, Mohammed H. Mahklouf, Mahmood B. Shanta, Hisham Ali Abo -Jaafer, (07-2020), كندا: J. of Advanced Botany and Zoology, 1 (8), 1-10

Parametric modeling and simulation of Low temperature energy storage for cold-climate multi-family residences using a geothermal heat pump system with integrated phase change material storage tank
Journal Article

A novel geothermal heat pump (GHP) system with an integrated low- to moderate-temperature salt hydrate phase change material (PCM) storage tank for buildings in cold climates is proposed in this study. The purpose of the PCM storage tank is to dampen peak heating loads and to remove annual ground thermal load imbalances on the ground heat exchanger (GHX) to assist in achieving an optimally-sized GHX. As heat is extracted from the closed-loop system by heat pumps in heating mode, a significant portion of this heat is used to solidify a salt hydrate PCM. This heat of fusion is later released back into the heat transfer fluid, storing it in the PCM tank and GHX for later diurnal and seasonal use. To examine the merits of the proposed concept, electric utility meter data on 15-minute time intervals were mined from an actual apartment building and used to estimate space heating, cooling, and hot water heating loads. Those data were used in an hourly, dynamic 20-year life-cycle simulation model in TRNSYS to design an optimum combination of GHX and PCM storage, where each component was sized to balance the annual ground thermal loads. The system simulation results show significant potential for GHX size reduction with a PCM storage tank, but the system is quite sensitive to the PCM melt temperature due to significant hysteretic nature of the salt hydrate PCM heating and cooling curves. We also find that there is no unique optimum unless other factors are considered such as installation cost and physical constraints; many combinations of GHX size and PCM mass are capable of achieving the design goal with similar annual electric energy consumption. For the cases examined here, a PCM melt temperature of 27 °C yields the most favorable economic results, and a preliminary economic analysis suggests that with typical drilling cost and PCM tank cost values, the GHX size can be reduced by over 50 %.

A. Alkhwildi, R. Elhashmi, A. Chiasson, (07-2020), Geothermics: Pergamon, 86 (32767),

تأثير مادة النشا في إطالة فترة تخزين بعض الفواكه والخضروات في درجة حرارة الغرفة
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

مستخلص البحث:

تحضى تقنية المواد المستخدمة كأغلفة مستساغة لتغليف ثمار الفواكه والخضروات

لغرض حفظها وإطالة فترة تخزينها بإهتمام واسع هذه الأيام في كثير من الدول،لما لها من نتائج إيجابية للمحافظة على الثمار بعد الحصاد؛ وذلك للمساهمة في زيادة إنتاج الغذاء وتحقيق الأمن الغذائي. اُستخدمت في هذه الدراسة مادة النشا لهذا الغرض عن طريق غمر بعض ثمار الفواكه (البرتقال، الموز، التفاح، الكمثرى والخوخ) وكذلك بعض ثمار الخضروات (الخيار، الطماطم، الفلفل، القرع والجزر) في محلول النشا في المعمل لفترة 15 دقيقة ثم تركت الثمار في حوافظ خاصة بها تهوية، ولوحظت التغيرات التي طرأت عليها. أوضحت هذه الدراسة أن جميع أصناف ثمار الفواكه المعاملة بمادة النشا عدا التفاح كانت أكثر مقاومة للأمراض الفطرية والفساد الذي طرأ عليها، مقارنة بالثمار الغير معاملة (الشاهد).بينما أبدت جميع ثمار الخضروات المعاملة مقاومة أكثر للأمراض الفطرية والفساد من الثمار الغير معاملة.

شهوب محممد أمحمد الأحمر، يوسف عزو، مصطفى كركوري، (06-2020)، ليبيا: جامعة غريان، 106-114

تأثير الألياف الفولاذية على مقاومة الضغط والشد للخرسانة عالية المقاومة
مقال في مجلة علمية

The marked brittleness with low tensile strength and strain capacities of high-strength concrete (HSC) can be overcome by the addition of steel fibers. This research investigated the effects of hooked-end steel fiber content with different silica fume (S.F.) content on the mechanical properties of HSC.

This study depends on 3 main reference concrete mix contains silica fume (5%, 10%, 15%) as a percentage of the weight of cement. and Also, 3.5% of the super plasticizers type (Plastocrete ®-N) has been added to all concrete mixes.

The steel fibers were added at the volume fractions of (0.2 %, 0.4 %, 0.6 %, 0.8 %,1 %). Compressive and splitting tensile strengths were conducted.

The main conclusions were that the compressive strength and splitting tensile strengths of the fiber-reinforced concrete enhanced by 10% and 50% respectively at 1.0% volume fraction, and 10% of S.F .

Strength models were established to predict the splitting tensile strengths by knowing the compressive strength and a model to predict a compressive Strength by using enhancement factor.

Key Words: High resistance concrete, steel fibers, silica dust, pressure resistance and direct tensile strength.

خالد محمد عمرو أمحمد، (06-2020)، المعهد العالي للعلوم والتقنية غريان: مجلة غريان للتقنية، 6 (6)، 35-51

ٱثار استخدام شبكة المعلومات الدولية الإنترنت على طلاب المرحلة الثانوية
مقال في مجلة علمية


ابراهيم صالح ابوالقاسم منصور، (06-2020)، مجلة لسان القلم تصدر بمكتب التقافة بالاصابعة بجامعة الجبل الغربي: مجلة لسان القلم، 5 (2020)، 1-25

Does financial development promote growth in Kuwait? time- and frequency- domain causality testing
Journal Article

The present study endeavors to explore the dynamic causal relationship between economic growth and financial development in Kuwait, covering the time span between 1991 and 2017. Based on the objective of presenting robust results in relation to the research focus, a combination of time and frequency-domain methodologies has been applied. Using the Toda–Yamamoto and the Fourier Toda–Yamamoto time-domain techniques, no causal direction is found through the former test, while the causality flowing from financial development to economic growth is demonstrated by the latter. Nevertheless, the spectral causality test developed by Breitung and Candelon [(2006). “Testing for short- and long-run causality: A frequency-domain approach.” Journal of Econometrics 132 (2): 363–378. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeconom.2005.02.004] gives a more thorough overview of the dynamic causal relationships because it allows the temporary and permanent movements in the linkages between variables to be differentiated. The findings show proof of a bidirectional causality between financial development and economic growth. Our findings highlight the emphasis on covering the frequency causality to provide greater insight into the interrelationship between the variables under consideration.

Hamza Almassri, (05-2020), United Kingdom: The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 29 (8), 952-972

Journal Article

The metallurgical influence of niobium (Nb) on an annealed high manganese (Mn) steel is still an active issue of discussion between automobile companies and steel manufacturers. Some controversy exists in the literature concerning the influence of Nb solubility on microstructure and thereby on mechanical properties. The influence of Nb-solubility on microstructure of Fe30Mn alloy steel was investigated experimentally and by computational materials modeling. Nb was added in 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 1% additions and the alloy samples were annealed at 1200oC for 2, 5, 10, 30 and 60 minutes. The microstructure was investigated using an optical microscope, TEM and SEM-EDX and precipitates were chemically tested. Niobium solubility in Fe30Mn austenite was theoretically studied based on Gladman assumptions and was also examined by Thermo-Calc analysis. The result of this work is a comparison between the microstructure analysis and theoretical studies, and it has been found that Nb was soluble in Fe30Mn austenite phase and has had a solute drag effect where Nb(C,N) and NbN precipitates were seen and the effect was pinning effect 

حسن رمضان فرج زائد, (03-2020), Journal of Engineering Research: University of Tripoli, 29 (29), 11-20

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