Conference paper

The object of the present paper is to introduce a new subclass of p-valent starlike functions with negative coefficients in the open unit disc which is defiined by a generalized derivative operator. We obtain coefficient inequalities, growth and distortion theorems and extreme points for the subclass of p-valent functions.

Entisar EL-Yagubi, (11-2015), TURKISH: New Developments In Pure and Applied Mathematics, 159-162

An adaptive compressed video steganography based on pixel-value differencing schemes
Conference paper

Recent developments in both information and communication security have heightened interest in enhancing the embedding capacity for data handling techniques. Although many steganographic techniques, in the literature, have been developed for this purpose, most of them distort the quality of the host-signal during data embedding and the changes will be become visible to the human eye especially for those signals distributed via the Internet which must be processed by a low bit rate compression due to bandwidth limitations. Therefore, the challenge is to create a steganographic technique that is able to hide acceptable amount of data without altering the quality of the host-signal. In this paper, pixel-value differencing (PVD) steganographic scheme and its two modified versions, namely, enhanced pixel-value differencing (EPVD) and tri-way pixel-value differencing (TPVD) were implemented, analyzed and compared in terms of invisibility, fidelity and impact of data hiding on the compression efficiency. Experimental results indicate that the EPVD scheme is capable of providing better performance than other compared schemes.

Tarik Faraj Idbeaa, (10-2015), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: IEEE, 50-55

دور منظمات المجتمع المدني في الوقاية من الجريمة في المجتمع الليبي
رسالة ماجستير










ابوعجيله محمد عمار امحارب، (10-2015)، جامعة دمياط - كلية الآداب - الاجتماع: تم اختياره،

Evaluation of risk factors for Libyan patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus
Journal Article

Abstract: Hypertension is a challenge for public health professionals all-over the world. It is the leading and most important modifiable risk factor for coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, renal diseases, retinopathy and many other diseases. The aim of the present study is to evaluate and study the most identifiable risk factors for patients with diseases of hypertension and diabetes mellitus such as age, gender, marital status, tobacco smoking, life style and with associated diseases (dyslipidemia and diabetes) treated at city hospital in Tripoli (Tripoli Medical Centre). This was a cross sectional prospective study which was carried out during October 2013 and January 2014. The study included 200 consecutive patients (102 females and 98 males) who are older than 30 years and who came for a regular follow up at the OPD of Tripoli medical centre. During this study, variables like age, gender, diabetes, smoking and dyslipidemia were taken into account in relation to hypertension. In addition, it is assorted some important biochemical parameters such as total cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein and fasting blood glucose in the studied population and compared them with available data. The findings revealed that Libyan population not only old age and male gender are potential threat for an early hypertensive but other variables like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, dyslipidemia, obesity, migraine and obstructive apnea are also playing an important role in hypertension complications. It is concluded that this population is more prone to hyperglycemia and high pulse pressure with hypertension in the majority of survey population

Nadia Abdullah Ibrahem Etaher, (09-2015), www.ljmr.com.ly: Libyan J Med Res, 1 (9), 32-43

Journal Article

Abstract Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) are the most widely used features in the majority of the speaker and speech recognition applications. Since 1980s, remarkable efforts have been undertaken for the development of these features. Issues such as use suitable spectral estimation methods, design of effective filter banks, and the number of chosen features all play an important role in the performance and robustness of the speech recognition systems. This paper provides an overview of MFCC's enhancement techniques that are applied in speech recognition systems. The details such as accuracy, types of environments, the nature of data, and the number of features are investigated and summarized in the table combined with the corresponding key references. Benefits and drawbacks of these MFCC's enhancement techniques have been discussed. This study will hopefully contribute to raising …

TARIQ F. IDBEAA, (09-2015), Islamabad, PAKISTAN: Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, 79 (1), 38-59

Pigment network-based skin cancer detection.
Conference paper

Abstract— Diagnosing skin cancer in its early stages is a challenging task for dermatologists given the fact that the chance for a patient’s survival is higher and hence the process of analyzing skin images and making decisions should be time efficient. Therefore, diagnosing the disease using automated and computerized systems has nowadays become essential. This paper proposes an efficient system for skin cancer detection on dermoscopic images. It has been shown that the statistical characteristics of the pigment network, extracted from the dermoscopic image, could be used as efficient discriminating features for cancer detection. The proposed system has been assessed on a dataset of 200 dermoscopic images of the ‘Hospital Pedro Hispano’ [1] and the results of cross-validation have shown high detection accuracy.

Naser Alfed, Fouad Khelifi, Ahmed Bouridane, (08-2015), Milan, Italy: IEEE (EMBC), 7214-7217

Journal Article

The aim of this paper is to introduce and study a new class of Bazilevič p-valent function of order β by using the subordination concept between this function and a generalized derivative operator. Some interesting properties are also obtained

Entisar EL-Yagubi, (08-2015), University Library in Kragujevac: Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, 39 (1), 111-120

On certain classes of fractional p-valent analytic functions
Journal Article

The theory of analytic functions and more specific p-valent functions, is one of the most fascinating topics in one complex variable. There are many remarkable theorems dealing with extremal problems for a class of p-valent functions on the unit disk U. Recently, many researchers have shown great interests in the study of differential operator. The objective of this paper is to define a new generalized derivative operator of p-valent analytic functions of fractional power in the open unit disk U. This operator generalized some well-known operators studied earlier, we mention some of them in the present paper. Motivation by the generalized derivative operator; we introduce and investigate two new subclasses of starlike p-valent analytic functions of fractional power with positive coefficients and starlike p-valent analytic functions of fractional power with negative coefficients, respectively. In addition, a sufficient condition will be obtained. Some corollaries are also pointed out. Moreover, we determine the extreme points of functions belong to the class.

Entisar EL-Yagubi, (07-2015), -: Izvestiya Journal, 11 (1), 28-38

Seed Size, Fecundity and Postfire Regeneration Strategy Are Interdependent in Hakea
Journal Article

Seed size is a key functional trait that affects plant fitness at the seedling stage and may

vary greatly with species fruit size, growth form and fecundity. Using structural equation

modelling (SEM) and correlated trait evolution analysis, we investigated the interaction network

between seed size and fecundity, postfire regeneration strategy, fruit size, plant height

and serotiny (on-plant seed storage) among 82 species of the woody shrub genus, Hakea,

with a wide spectrum of seed sizes (2–500 mg). Seed size is negatively correlated with fecundity,

while fire-killed species (nonsprouters) produce more seeds than resprouters

though they are of similar size. Seed size is unrelated to plant height and level of serotiny

while it scales allometrically with fruit size. A strong phylogenetic signal in seed size revealed

phylogenetic constraints on seed size variation in Hakea. Our analyses suggest a

causal relationship between seed size, fecundity and postfire regeneration strategy in

Hakea. These results demonstrate that fruit size, fecundity and evolutionary history have

had most control over seed size variation among Hakea species.

Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, (06-2015), UNITED STATES: journal.pone, 1 (1371), 1-12

on certain subclasses of harmonic univalent functions with respect to k- symmetric points
Journal Article

The aim of the article is to study a sufficient condition for the classes of starlike and convex harmonic univalent functions with respect to k- symmetric points. The necessary condition for f to be in the classes will be studied. In addition, growth bounds for functions will also be given.

Entisar EL-Yagubi, (05-2015), Tokyo: International Information Institute, 18 (5), 1509-1520

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